Savage 2: A Tortured Soul [Edit Game]Savage 2: A Tortured Soul is a fantasy and science-fiction themed video game that combines elements of the first-person shooter, real-time strategy, and action role-playing game genres. The game is played with 2 teams (the Legion of Man and the Beast Horde) fighting against each other on a large playing field in an attempt to eventually destroy the durable command center of the enemy team, thereby winning the game. The game is played in rounds, and no benefits carry over from each match, despite the RPG elements present in each match.
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+Solid Gameplay
+Fun +Thrilling Sound Effects |
-Big Learning Curve
-Dated Graphics -Maps are limited |
avage 2 is an enjoyable game that offers a satisfying alternative to the genre-bound tunnel vision of most other games. In combining the team-based action of games like Tribes and Battlefield with an original fantasy setting and a ground-level RTS mechanic, they've come up with something that's unlike anything else on the market right now...except the original Savage, of course. If you're looking for something different and don't mind hanging your fate on the skills and abilities of your fellow online gamers, then you'll find plenty of rewards in Savage 2.
Then again, it's been five years since the original game came out, and that's plenty of time for the designers to have done more to improve on the original model. We like most of the changes that they've made but this still feels more like an update (although a very substantial one) than a full on sequel. The one thing we can't get over is the lack of orientation within the game shell. There are games that don't have half the complexity here and yet spend twice as much time explaining how things work. S2 Games definitely needs to do more to help players get over that first hurdle so they can start to appreciate the unique design here.
Review by iamidea at 2013-08-15 16:40:53